Custom Name or Clan Name Decal/Sticker for Oculus Quest or Quest II

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  • Regular price $6.35

I received an Oculus Quest 2 for Christmas, and the freedom of no wires compared to my Oculus Rift was AMAZING! It felt even more futuristic and as such warranted some next-gen decal decoration ;) That's when I made this sticker for my headset, and decided to put it up for anyone else who may want one! And since getting Hyper Dash it's the only game I play!!

This Hyper Dash Logo sticker is cut from high quality vinyl that won't come off accidentally. You can choose from black (looks good on Quest 2) or white (for Quest 1). Some people like a white on white look or black on black, so don't be afraid to order if that's your preference! It's a transfer sticker (aka decal) so there isn't any material connecting each "piece" - this makes it look AWESOME.

If you have an idea for a custom headset decal, shoot me a message and I can design and cut it for you as well :)

I'll see you in HD ;)