Custom Spotify Code Weatherproof Transfer Sticker/Decal - Replay, All Star, Beans, or your choice of song/album/playlist (Many colors!)

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  • Regular price $4.59

Wish you could stick a Spotify code to your car, laptop, skateboard, guitar, waterbottle, Yeto, Hydroflask, or anything else? Want to show your favorite song, or just to get Tiktok famous?

These Spotify Code stickers are made to order so you can pick any song you want as well as the color. If you want a size or color not listed please shoot me a message and I'll see if I can get it done. You can choose here from black or white as well as width. Please pick a color that will stand out on what you're sticking to, or else it won't scan well!

Super easy to apply, clean the surface, apply, then remove the clear top layer that holds the code in place so it will apply and scan perfectly (see the video above).

If possible, please give me the exact link to the song. On the Spotify web player you can right click to get the song link, and on your phone use the share button.

Materials: memes,Automotive grade vinyl